:Important Notice to Authors (of Journal of Human Ergology)

Instruction to contributors is Updated(2024/6/24).See Instructions for authors.

About of Major update to Instructions to Contributors for JHE (2022/9/1).
>>> Major update to Instructions to Contributors for Journal of Human Ergology

A request concerning transfer of copyrights of previously published articles
>>> See more...

JOURNAL OF HUMAN ERGOLOGY is an international medium for presenting scientific research on human behaviors in daily work and living. The nature of the research to be reported may vary from fundamental studies on how the ordinary human behavior in daily work and living affects the human body and human nature in evolution, to more applied studies in the field of, for example, ergonomics, which attempts to apply the acquired knowledge to our actual living for improving human well-being and the quality of daily work and life. The journal, which appears as one volume annually, is issued twice a year.

You can confirm the current review status of the JHE.
Click the following link, a list of all the current manuscripts status will be displayed.

Review Status >>> (updated:
9/21/2021 )

Current and previous individual articles of the JHE will be provided online [J-STAGE].

Current and previous issues of the JHE

Instructions to contributors >>>
Guidelines for electronic submission(by e-mail) >>>
Sample manuscript for submission(Orijinal Papers) >>>

Submission of manuscripts
The journal strongly encourages all the authors to deliver the manuscripts (text, tables, and illustrations) by e-mail (e-Submission). An electronic version of the manuscript should be sent to:

Dr. Masahiro SHIMODA, Editor-in-Chief of JHE
e-mail: jhe@humanergology.com

Copyright (C) 2009 HumanErgology Society All Rights Reserved
HES Secretariat :c/o The Ohara Memorial Institute for Science of Labour, J.F.Oberlin University 3F,
1-1-12,Sendagaya,shibuya-ku,Tokyo 151-0051,JAPAN TEL:81-3-6447-1330 FAX:81-3-6447-1436
e-mail: secretariat@humanergology.com